About Me

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my passion for wildlife research and conservation leads me on new adventures every day. i have traveled from my native state of arizona to hawaii, maine, virginia and most recently to belize in order to help study and conserve wildlife. my goal is to save every animal on earth. i know i will fall short, but why not try anyway?

Friday, July 18, 2008

apparently i've been slacking again on writing on here but i will be updating it soon! i am off to tennessee tomorrow and i'm hoping to have lots of good pics and stories to put up here! i could have had a sweet tale about a wonderful birding trip to see amazing birds i've never seen with bob mccormic (see you made it into my blog despite it all!) but luckily i somehow thought the trip was on sunday when it was really on saturday! thus the pictures you see are of birds that i would love to have had the chance to observe but i totally blew it. go me!!!

other news, laura and i saw an osprey 2 days ago down at tempe town lake on the south side of the az-202! i wonder if it's the same kid that hung out at our house a while ago. either way, i wish the poor thing good luck in this hot hot weather!

in other other news, laura and i went down to tucson to look at some burrowing owl burrows that are going to unfortunately have to be removed because construction is going in there. it looks like there may actually be babies this time and i'm going to miss it because they're doing the removal when i'm gone. *SIGH*

in the saddest news of the day... i had my first vehicular avian incident. now i think i'm one of the most proactive anti-bird hitting people around. doves, quail and the occasional flicker are constantly flying at my car in an attempt to die but i dodge their every attempt. unfortunately my skills could not save the poor grackle that suddenly swooped down at my car as i went 80mph down the freeway. my braking attempt failed and it is no longer with us. i ask that we all please have a moment of silence for the poor thing. *CRIE*