About Me

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my passion for wildlife research and conservation leads me on new adventures every day. i have traveled from my native state of arizona to hawaii, maine, virginia and most recently to belize in order to help study and conserve wildlife. my goal is to save every animal on earth. i know i will fall short, but why not try anyway?

Friday, December 01, 2006

so here's to a new beginning in my blogging career. i have tired this several times in the past only to realize i am far too boring to keep it up for long... that and no one ever reads it besides me! this time, though, i hope my present location in a tropical paradise doing what i've always wanted to do will inspire something interesting for me to talk about. only time will tell!! so in case you haven't heard, i am currently living in maui working with critically endangered hawaiian birds. i've only been here a week and i've already seen and learned so much!! the first birds i've worked with are the "forest birds". these are the two species we have that live deep in the forests of hawaii. the first is the maui parrotbill (or as we call them here: MAPAs). these are probably the most interesting bird i've worked with so far (but i haven't worked with our crows yet!!). they are busy little things never staying still long enough for me to take a picture. we have two pairs of mapas as well as two additional males which were recently caught up in the dense haleakala forests around 7000ft up the volcano. it is believed there are about 150 of these birds in existance and unfortunately because of this we have to keep some in captivity to encourage them to breed and be sure that their young make it through their rough childhood. the females (mehina and chloe) we have are the sweetest things. they always follow me around when i'm in cleaning their enclosure and when i try to feed them their wax worms they will often try to take them right out of my fingers. it looks like one of our pair (chloe and chewy) may be in the beginnings of making a nest and if they lay an egg it will be a great help to this delicate species.


Anonymous said...

GREAT PICTURES! I'm glad to hear you are enjoying it there. Murky water, rain and all of that fun stuff. Keep up the good work.

Liberty volunteer,


Anonymous said...

Ah! I'm so excited for you Alison! You are a HERO for these birds! Seriously, you are. I hope you are proud of yourself. I'm proud of you!
How long will you be there? We should come visit. :) By the way, I started volunteering at Janet and Lewis Miller's place two weeks ago. It's awesome, but nothing will be ever like my Liberty! Lindsay
p.s. I bet you're missing chopping food like crazy huh? HA!