About Me

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my passion for wildlife research and conservation leads me on new adventures every day. i have traveled from my native state of arizona to hawaii, maine, virginia and most recently to belize in order to help study and conserve wildlife. my goal is to save every animal on earth. i know i will fall short, but why not try anyway?

Saturday, December 02, 2006

being from arizona i have come to find rain to be a luxury. arizona has an average rain fall of 7 inches annually which pales in comparison to the city of makawaeo that i live in, in maui, which receives around 44 inches a year. the true meaning of this difference hit me today as it POURED from 10pm last night and is still raining at 6:30pm today. working in the rain is miserable, but despite being soaked from head to toe and feeling like my feet will never be warm again the rain was amazing. plus, the rainbows after the storm are beautiful. The first rainbow you see above is a complete rainbow that was over our "house" yesterday afternoon. The second is a half rainbow in the woods behind the nene pens i saw two days ago. So, despite spending the whole day attempting to keep the nene from floating off their nests and trying to save countless small creatures from drowning as the earth began to disappear under a lake of water, i had a really good time! i got to see our gosling that hatched out from one of our nene parents, as you can see below, during a slower downpour. i also had the privilege to hold all three of the goslings that hatched out from the eggs we got from kauai (we needed new genes to add to our captive population so they don't get too inbred). it's always amazing to hold a newly hatched fuzzy little bird in your hands, but when you know that that bird is only one of a few individuals the feeling is indescribable. This year is expected to be a record nene season. we could have up to 30 goslings!! this may not seem like a big deal when they're little, but they grow fast. it only takes about 3 months before they are fully grown and ready for release. this means that our work load is going to quadruple shortly. this is why i never want to have kids!

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