About Me

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my passion for wildlife research and conservation leads me on new adventures every day. i have traveled from my native state of arizona to hawaii, maine, virginia and most recently to belize in order to help study and conserve wildlife. my goal is to save every animal on earth. i know i will fall short, but why not try anyway?

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

first off i would like to wish everyone a merry christmas! it was a weird one this year with no family or close friends to spend it with. we had a good time here, though, with a "grilled christmas" dinner. nine of us got together and everyone brought something tastey. i made some veggie and tofu kabobs which i'd have to say were the highlight of the evening. then we all sat around our christmas tree and opened presents. it was definitely not the norm, but we had fun! and as you can see, leis are integral for all holidays while in hawaii! i'm sure everyone will be wearing them for new years as well.

in other "not so much" news, i'd like to discuss something i have
come to realize as of late. it is rather amazing i can have now lived in two of the sunniest states in the union and no one can tell! people keep thinking i'm a tourist here due to my lack of tan. now i normally wouldn't jump at getting skin cancer in the name of acceptance, but i may have to make an exception on this one. luckily i've been able to go to the beach at least once a week as of late so i may not be the white girl you once knew when i get back to arizona!

speaking of getting a tan. here are some pics of the awesome place i went snorkeling at today.
we walked about two miles up a lava field that extended out into the ocean. it was definitely not friendly to the sandal clad beachgoer, but i made it with only minor wounds and the sights along the way were absolutely amazing. combining black lava and bright blue ocean makes for quite the picturesque scenery. the snorkeling spot we were headed to was aptly named "fish bowl" due to, surprisingly enough, it being a large round inlet full of fish! we saw lots of cool ones including a moorish idol with a fin trail over a foot long and a few stunning yellow trumpetfish. good times were had by all!

so since i can't forget about my fine feathered friends that have brought me all of the way out here to maui, i will leave you with some very endearing pictures of a couple very special 'alala. these guys make all of my days brighter and when i get lonely i look at them and remember that nothing can be as lonely as being one of the very last of your entire species and they seem to smile through it, thus, so should i.

1 comment:

TalkHobbies.com said...

Thank you very much for sharing those pictures.