About Me

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my passion for wildlife research and conservation leads me on new adventures every day. i have traveled from my native state of arizona to hawaii, maine, virginia and most recently to belize in order to help study and conserve wildlife. my goal is to save every animal on earth. i know i will fall short, but why not try anyway?

Sunday, December 03, 2006

as i suspected, today was a beautiful day in maui. the rain certainly did everything good! we put out all three kauai goslings with the single gosling outside and the parents accepted them perfectly. it's funny to think that they started off with one at 7am and by 2pm they suddenly had four babies. i wonder if they even realize it, haha. another pair of parents just hatched out two goslings so far from their five eggs. we are well on our way to a busy nene season!

i also thought you all should know about the living conditions around here. i guess for the past year the center has been trying to get new water pipes installed because of them getting corroded up and full of mold. i've noticed that the toilet water is constantly yellow tinged as if someone just peed in it. today when i went to clean out some dishes in the sink of our incubator room the water came out completely murky. it was quite disturbing! to think i shower in this water every day is a bit disconcerting, but i guess i am a dirty girl! :p at least we have some pipes on the other side of the facility that are made of plastic and are not corroded.
we have to bring up several large water bottles up daily for us to drink, cook with and give out to the birds on this side of the property. it is quite tiring carrying these 5 gallon water bottles every day but, i guess, at least i'm keeping my arms in shape! and just for further reference, normal maui water is fantastic. there is very little pollution around here so most of our water comes from the rain up in the forests. i took this picture of one of our water tanks when i was up in the forest getting browse for the birds. it's cool to live somewhere where the water doesn't have to be processed 15 times to be pure.


Anonymous said...

Hi Alison! I am so happy that you are keeping a blog so we can keep up with your adventures!!! The water situation is pretty gross! but at least it makes things interesting. Gotta keep up that arm strength! But Congrats on all the nene babies! I can't wait to see them as they grow.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alison,
Hey, Great Blog. Ifinally had some time today to read through it all. Mom told me about it this morning and coul'nt to get home and check it out. I look forward to seeing all of your adventures daily. What is it like to have such a great job in Paradise!?! The pictures are great. If you get to a slow point, some history on the place would be good along with accompanying photos. Oh by the way, this blog thing is new to me. Is there SPELL CHECK!!! Talk at you soon. Don't want to get too mushy.

Anonymous said...

Your Mom forwarded this to me. I think it's awesome that you are in Hawaii doing what you want!!! A long way from B&N baby!! I am so proud of you!! I have really missed you and think of you often. E-mail me if you get bored, I'd love to "chat".
